The Omni series of purifier guarantees the greatest protection by removing all contaminants to sub PPB levels and offering an integral gas particle filter (0.5 µm). This simple to use purifier is maintained at a constant regeneration temperature to maximize performance and life and is suitable for all inert gases including Nitrogen and Hydrogen.

Omni Series:

Gases Purified:Ar, He, N2 , H2 . ( all other noble gases)
Impurities Removed:H2O, O2, CO, CO2, N2, H2*, THC.
Impurity Level:< 10 ppb (< 1 ppb version available)
Filtration:0.5 µm
Nominal Flows (cc/min):150, 400 and 1 liter/min
 ModelAll ImpuritiesOxygen/Water
Gas Capacity:15079,000 (10 Tanks)315,000 (38 Tanks)
(Liters of Gas)400210,000 (25 Tanks)814,000 (101 Tanks)
(Tank - 49 liter3)1000525,000 (63 Tanks)2,100,000 (253 Tanks)
Fittings:VCR® and Swagelok®
Features:Long life/sub ppb gas outlet
Particle filtration
Non-release of trapped contaminants
<70% savings on carrier gas costs

* For hydrogen removal use Omni Plus™ - contact NuPure for additional information VCR® and Swagelok® are registered trade names of Swagelok Co.

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Tel 1-613-836-0336 Fax 1-613-836-0297

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Nupure® and Eliminator® are registered trademarks of Nupure Corporation